Friday, May 27, 2011

Sun, Surf and Safety

 Surviving Rip Currents

Town of Hempstead beaches are popular spots for residents on Memorial Day weekend. To prepare for the approaching summer season and in recognition of National Beach Safety Week from May 23 to May 30, Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray and town ocean lifeguards are offering important beach safety tips and a demonstration on how to avoid being caught in a deadly rip current. Also at the beach demonstration were Councilwoman Angie Cullin, Town Clerk Mark Bonilla and Receiver of Taxes Don Clavin.

Last summer, a number of tragedies occurred at beaches at nearby municipalities. Rip currents, a main cause of ocean drownings, are powerful, channeled currents of water flowing away from the shore. Typically, rip currents extend from the shoreline through the surf zone and past the line of breaking waves. Rip currents can occur at any beach with breaking waves. Deadly rip currents were prominent on our shores last summer, and the dangerous phenomenon is expected to threaten beachgoers again this year.

"Last summer was a sad one for Long Island, which lost several children to ocean drownings," Murray said. "We're here to help prevent tragedies from happening. To prepare for the summer season, we will be distributing a beach safety publication to every visitor to our ocean parks."

Covering three miles of shoreline in the Town of Hempstead, 150 ocean lifeguards work tirelessly to protect swimmers from danger. Individuals, families, school groups, clubs and organizations planning trips to the town's beaches are urged to take note of the hours when lifeguards are on duty. Starting on Saturday, May 28, ocean lifeguard coverage is limited to weekends and holidays until Sunday, June 19. Full ocean lifeguard coverage, when lifeguards are on duty seven days a week at Town of Hempstead beaches, starts on Monday, June 20 and ends on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5. When lifeguards are on duty, they are stationed between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Some tips that Murray offered to swimmers who may find themselves caught in a rip current include: Remain calm to conserve energy and think clearly. Never fight against the current - think of it like a treadmill that cannot be turned off . . . you need to step to the side to escape the grip of the riptides. Swim out of the current in the direction following the shoreline. When out of the current, swim at an angle - away from the current - towards the shore. If you are unable to swim out of the rip current, float or calmly tread water. When out of the current, swim towards the shore. If you are still unable to reach shore, draw attention to yourself by waving your arm and yelling for help.

Murray and Cullin also offered other safety tips for beachgoers to keep in mind this weekend and throughout the summer.

- Don't go in the ocean unless you know how to swim.

- Never swim alone.

- Obey all the rules of the beach.

- Be cautious at all times.

- If in doubt, don't go out.

- Swim near a lifeguard.

"It is also important to keep in mind that many people drown while trying to save someone else from a rip current," observed Cullin. "If you see someone in trouble, don't become a victim too. There are important steps people can take to help a victim caught in the rip, the most important of which is alerting lifeguards to the situation."

People seeking to help victims caught in a rip current are encouraged to take the following steps:

- Get help from a lifeguard.

- If a lifeguard is not available, have someone call 911.

- Throw the rip current victim something that floats - a life-jacket, a cooler or an inflatable ball.

- Yell instructions on how to escape.

In addition to the ocean safety brochure that is available to beachgoers at Town of Hempstead beaches, anyone can get a copy of the lifesaving guide by calling 516-812-3272. Further, Hempstead town also has a pool safety guide that is available by calling the same telephone number.

"Together we can get the word out to beachgoers and help prevent more drownings," Murray said.

Memorial Day Weekend Events

FRIDAY MAY 27, 2011

Greek Island Festival
St. Markella Greek Orthodox Church
1960 Jones Ave. N.
Wantagh, NY
5:00 P.M – 11:00 P.M.

Chamber Players International: Long Island Mozart Festival 2011
Old Westbury Gardens
Old Westbury, NY
8:00 P.M.

2011 Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach
Full Lineup of Performers
Military: U.S Army Golden Knights, A-10 East Demo Team, Demonstration Team and the New York Air National Guard Search & Rescue, US Air force F22 Raptor Stealth Jet Fighter, US Navy 2011 Centennial Celebration
Civilians: Sean D. Tucker - Team Oracle, Lt. Col. John Klatt- Air National Guard, GEICO Sky-Typers, David Windmiller, American Air Power Museum Warbirds and Mike Goulian
Wantagh, NY
10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Annual Armed Forces Helicopter Landing
Eisenhower Park Kite Field: Parking Field # 6
East Meadow, NY
10:00 A.M.

Nassau County Craft Show
Nassau Coliseum
Uniondale, NY
10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Greek Island Festival
St. Markella Greek Orthodox Church
1960 Jones Ave. N.
Wantagh, NY
1:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.

Chamber Players International: Long Island Mozart Festival 2011
Old Westbury Gardens
Old Westbury, NY
2:00 P.M.

Tribute & Fire Works Display
North Hempstead Beach Park
Henry Haid’s Tribute to Billy Joel and Performance by Elton John Tribute Band Early Elton, begins at
6:30 P.M., Followed by Fireworks at 9:15 P.M.

Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling 19th 5K Run
Start: South Oyster Bay Rd. @ Enterprise Place, Berkshire Rd, Stewart Ave. Finish @ Parking Lot of Central Nassau Guidance 950 South Oyster Bay Rd.
Hicksville, NY
7:30 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.

SUNDAY MAY 29, 2011
2011 Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach
Full Lineup of Performers
Military: U.S Army Golden Knights, A-10 East Demo Team, Demonstration Team and the New York Air National Guard Search & Rescue, US Air Force F22 Raptor Stealth Jet Fighter, US Navy 2011 Centennial Celebration
Civilians: Sean D. Tucker - Team Oracle, Lt. Col. John Klatt - Air National Guard, GEICO Sky- Typers, David Windmiller, American Air Power Museum Warbirds and Mike Goulian
Wantagh, NY
10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Memorial Day Service
The United Veterans Organization Holds a Nonsectarian Memorial Service at Eisenhower Park’s Veterans Plaza in East Meadow to Honor All Veterans. It Will be Led By the First Marine District Color Guard With Keynote Speakers and a Laying of a Wreath
East Meadow, NY
10:00 A.M

Nassau County Craft Show
Nassau Coliseum
 Uniondale, NY
10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Greek Island Festival
St. Markella Greek Orthodox Church
1960 Jones Ave. N.
Wantagh, NY
1:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.

Chamber Players International: Long Island Mozart Festival 2011
Old Westbury Gardens
Old Westbury, NY
2:00 P.M

MONDAY MAY 30, 2011
Memorial Day Parade
VFW Post 2718
Start: Lincoln Rd & Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Ave., Fenworth Blvd., Clafin Blvd., Naples Ave. to Monument
Franklin Square, NY
10:00 A.M. – 12 Noon

American Legion Post 1087
Start: Nassau Blvd. West Hempstead, Hempstead Ave., Roosevelt Blvd, turn Left to Echo Park Parking Field
West Hempstead, NY
10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.

Memorial Day Parade
American Legion Post 1033
Start: North on Landau Ave., Tulip Ave., Covert Ave., Hempstead Turnpike to Elmont Library
Elmont, NY
10:30 A.M. – 12 Noon

Monday, May 23, 2011

Envision Valley Stream

The next general meeting of Envision Valley Stream will be on Wednesday, May 25 at 7:30pm in the Hendrickson Park Administration Building (behind Central High School). There is much to discuss at this meeting including the plans to build a casino at Belmont Racetrack in Elmont.

Envision Valley Stream's second annual Art in the Park and Boutique Craft Fair is quickly approaching. The event will take place Saturday, July 16 at the Valley Stream Village Green (60 Verona Place) from 10AM to 5PM. If you or someone you know would like to exhibit artwork or sell crafts please register at our website or feel free to contact me at 516-792-1246.

Safety Belt Enforcement

Nassau County Police Department to Participate in

“Buckle Up New York, Click It or Ticket”

County Executive Edward P. Mangano and Acting Police Commissioner Thomas C. Krumpter announce that the Nassau County Police Department will participate in the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee’s grant for occupant restraint enforcement. The “Buckle Up New York, Click It or Ticket” will take place from May 23, 2011 through June 5, 2011.

This initiative will consist of high visibility enforcement, targeting occupant restraint non-compliance. A zero tolerance policy for such violations will apply. The goal of the program is to increase safety belt and child seat usage in an effort to reduce serious injuries and fatalities resulting from motor vehicle accidents.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Prom Night Safety Tips


It’s that time of year again, Prom Season. Far too often situations get out of hand on what should be an enjoyable and memorable night for high school students in Nassau County. In an effort to keep Nassau residents safe, Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and Acting Police Commissioner Thomas C. Krumpter are issuing Prom Night Safety Tips for parents and teens. “I urge all residents involved in this upcoming prom season to review these tips,” said Commissioner Krumpter.

Tips for Parents:

Know and discuss the School code of conduct before the prom with your child.

Does the school code of conduct extend to off-site functions that have been approved by the school?

Know who your child is attending the prom with and discuss the events for pre and post prom parties with other parents.

Discuss the dangers of drinking and driving. New York State law mandates arrest and license revocation/suspension of any person under twenty-one driving with .02% or more Blood Alcohol Content (One Drink!)

Talk with your child about the dangers of club drugs, warning signs and who to notify for assistance.

Pre-plan and role-play answers that your child can use to get out of uncomfortable situations (e.g. offered alcohol, getting a ride from an intoxicated driver, unwanted sexual advances, etc.)

Discuss guidelines and a curfew. Discuss the consequences of violating these rules.

Discuss travel plans, use a reputable limousine service that will not allow a person to bring, serve or introduce alcohol into the vehicle.

Know who is driving to the prom and who will be a passenger. Limit the number of passengers to increase safety and reduce driver distractions.

Know the location of post prom parties and who is sponsoring them.

Talk to your teenager about the serious dangers and consequences of underage drinking and driving.

If your child’s plans change, confirm the change with the parents of other children.

Remind your child that you are there for them, if they need a ride home or to an after prom affair.

Tips for Teens:

Alcohol is illegal for persons under the age of twenty-one. Underage drinking is illegal and can result in arrest, injury, or worse.

Don’t let friends drink and drive.

Plan ahead – make sure you have a safe plan for prom night.

Discuss your plans with your friends; remind each other about responsible decision-making and confronting peer pressure.

Do not accept any drinks from someone you do not know. If you leave your drink, discard it and get a new one.

Do not leave your possessions unattended.

Learn the warning signs for alcohol poisoning and drug intoxication, contact 911 for assistance and immediate treatment.

Take extra money or have a responsible person available for transportation for a safe ride home or in case an emergency arises.

Remember to charge your cell phone and have it with you.

Know where you are and where you are going; keep your parents and friends informed.

Trust your instincts, if you feel endangered or uncomfortable, leave immediately.

Intoxication by alcohol or drugs can lead to poor judgment and dangerous situations.

Remember to contact your parents if your plans change.

Practice and discuss answers you can use to get out of uncomfortable situations.

Do not allow anyone in your car or limo that has drugs or weapons. It is dangerous and everyone in the car is at risk of getting arrested.

It is illegal to alter your drivers’ license or any other form of government identifications.

Police Initiatives:

Intensive patrol near establishments that sell alcoholic beverages.

Random License Premise checks conducted by Patrol Supervisors.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Silver Alert


Age 16
Sex F
Height 4'11''
Weight 95 LBS
Language ENGLISH